Różne wyprawy treningowe w Góry Czerskiego w Jakucji i inne pasma.
Тренировочные экспедиции на Черский хребет в Якутию и другие горы.
Dedicated photo galleries are at the bottom of the page
General information and highlights:
- Over the last decade, in addition to serious expeditions with concrete goals such as the ascent of a peak, I also organized multiple shorter trips to various mountains of Siberia.
- The most important purpose of these trips was to enhance mountaineering, survival, and photo skills.
- Lots of adventures, hitchiking in winter in the coldest parts of Siberia, and many others.
Special thanks to / Podziękowania dla / Большое спасибо к …
- Ваня Гаврилов и все ребята из лагеря за гостеприимство.
- Bolot Bochkarev from VisitYakutia for logistics help,
- Simore Moro and Tamara Lunger for their numerous valuable pieces of advice!
- Настя и ее муж из Сасыра, за гостеприимство.
- Numerous truck drivers for their willigness to take a hitchhiker into small truck cabins 🙂
- Father Maros and Peter from Yakutsk, for never-ending hospitality.
- Ребята из города Талая, за помощь.
- Виктор Терешко, за отличное гостеприимство и большую помощь.
- Вова Терешко, для многих приключений и гостеприимства.
- Дима Панов из Якутска, за всю информацию о горах.
- Менги из Ак-Довурака и все остальные, кто помог.
- Roberts (https://roberts.pl/index.php?l=en&p=_katalog) for best quality, ultrawarm & ultralight down clothes and equipment.
- Rafał Król (https://expeditions.pl) for a lot of insightful equipment knowledge.
Selected Videos:

Chersky Mountains in January

Chersky Mountains in January

Kolyma Highway in March

Moma Valley in early March

Moma Valley in early March

Chersky Mountains in early March

Chersky Mountains in early March

Chersky Mountains in early March

Hitchking across Chersky Mountains in early March

Hitchiking across Chersky Mountains in early March

Hitchiking across Chersky Mountains in January

Hitchiking across Chersky Mountains in January

On a winter road in Chersky Mountains in January

A lonely reindeer in Chersky Mountains in January

Chersky Mountains in January

Selected Photos: