Putorana Mountains 2019 Solo


Samotna ekspedycja w Góry Putorana 2019. Odnalezienie i wejście na drugi najwyższy (nienazwany) szczyt na Płaskowyżu Putorana, efektywnie drugi najwyższy szczyt Wyżyny Środkowosyberyjskiej.
Восхождение на второй по высоте (неназванный) пик гор Путорана, фактически второй по высоте пик Центрально-Сибирского плоскогорья, 2019.

Dedicated photo galleries are at the bottom of the page

General information and highlights:

  • The identification and the solo ascent of the second highest (unnamed) peak of Putorana Mountains, effectively the second highest peak of the Central Siberian Plateau; the altitude of the peak is 1621m.
  • It was a solo expedition and climb.
  • The peak is completely unknown. It took me weeks, if not months, to locate this mountain using Soviet military maps. No photos or any information was/is available elsewhere.
  • The distance from the peak to the nearest human camp: around 100km.
  • The expedition was short (~a week) but very intense. I was walking every day non-stop for 12-16 hours, from sunrise to sunset and beyond.
  • Very tough weather (rain and very high humidity all the time).
  • Extremely difficult terrain (basically 95% of the march was over swamps or boulders/stones). A lot of attention at every step required (I broke a trekking pole on the second day). It was the hardest terrain I ever encountered in Siberia so far.
  • I came down from the high plateay basically on the very last day before the winter snowfall.

Location of the climbed second highest peak on the plateau

Special thanks to / Podziękowania dla / Большое спасибо к

  • Директор Константин Просекин из заповедника Путорана, за его большую помощь и большую поддержку.
  • Всех людей из Путоранского заповедника за теплое гостеприимство и помощь.
  • Andrey Podkoryakov, for his invaluable advice!
  • Олег и Татьяна Крашевский, за их поддержку и много полезных советов.
  • Valery Riabushkin, for his advice and help!
  • La Sportiva (https://www.lasportiva.com/) for top quality, tough, and very light trekking/hiking boots.
  • Roberts (https://roberts.pl/index.php?l=en&p=_katalog) for best quality, ultrawarm & ultralight down clothes and equipment.
  • Suluk46 (https://suluk46.com/) for top quality ultralight stove, windscreen, and others.
  • Anfibio (https://www.packrafting-store.de/index.php?language=en) for best quality ultralight packraft, paddle, and others.
  • Rafał Król (https://expeditions.pl) for a lot of insightful equipment knowledge.

Selected videos:

Selected photos:

Gallery of Nature Photos

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Gallery of Expedition Photos

See Photo Story