Wyprawa w Góry Suntar-Chajata w Jakucji, zima 2018.
Экспедиция в горы Сунтар-Хаята в Якутии, зима 2018 года.
Dedicated photo galleries are at the bottom of the page
General information and highlights:
- Skiing and ski touring in one of the coldest mountains of Siberia, nearby Oymyakon, the northern Pole of Cold.
- Traveling with herders of reindeer using their traditional sledges.
- Many adventures on surviving in frozen taiga.
- A great training for polar expeditions.
Location of Expedition Highlights:
Special thanks to / Podziękowania dla / Большое спасибо к …
- Michał, za cierpliwość w wyprawie 🙂
- Дима, водитель, за то, что отвез нас в лагерь на одном снегоходе!
- Карин, водитель, для всей перевозки, даже ночью!
- Якоб Кондаков, водитель, его брат и Илья, за возможность экспедиции.
- Анатолий Алексеев, за его обычную помощь и поддержку!
- Все ребята из лагеря, за большую помощь.
- Bolot Bochkarev from VisitYakutia for a lot of help.
- Father Maros and Peter from Yakutsk, for never-ending hospitality.
- Roberts (https://roberts.pl/index.php?l=en&p=_katalog) for best quality, ultrawarm & ultralight down clothes and equipment.
- Rafał Król (https://expeditions.pl) for a lot of insightful equipment knowledge.
- Piotr Sztaba, Waldek Niemiec, Wojtek Malawski, Andrzej Maciata (https://kilimanjaro.com.pl) for climbing, touring, and avalanche training sessions.
Selected videos:
Suntar-Khayata Expedition 2018: On reindeer sledges towards the mountains
Suntar-Khayata Expedition 2018: On reindeer sledges towards the mountains
Suntar-Khayata Expedition 2018: On reindeer sledges towards the mountains
Selected photos: