Zimowa ekspedycja w Ural Subpolarny 2011. Pierwsze polskie zimowe (marzec) wejście na najwyższy szczyt w górach Ural.
Зимняя лыжная экспедиция на Урал (март), 2011. Первое польское зимнее восхождение на самую высокую уральскую гору (гора Народная).
General information and highlights:
- The main expedition highlight: the first Polish winter ascent of the highest peak in the Ural mountains, the Mount Narodnaya (1895 meters).
- The mountain is nearly 150 kilometers away from the nearest city.
- In very short: we covered around 250 kilometers in 12 days, on skis, fully unsupported.
- Temperatures down to -40 C.
Location of the highests peak (Mount Narodnaya):
Special thanks to / Podziękowania dla / Большое спасибо к …
- All the expedition party, for a lot of patience 🙂
- The director of the mine, for giving us a lift!
- Rafał Król (https://expeditions.pl) for a lot of insightful equipment knowledge.
Detailed Reports:
Two Polish variants are available under the following links. A photo report further below.
Ural Report by Dziku
Ural Report by Maciej